Big Kratom has a BIG variety of kratom powders to choose from. Different kratom strains have different effects and usually each kratom strain effects each individually differently. What one person experiences from one particular kratom strain may not effect the next person the same way.
This is why the Big Kratom shop carries such a vast selection of kratom to choose from. Until you find out what kratom powder works for what your individual needs are, we recommend ordering the smaller sizes of kratom powder until you find which one suits your particular needs.
Our kratom powder from smallest to largest is as follows: 50 gram bag, 100 gram bag, 250 gram bag, and finally the 500 ground bag of kratom powder. Usually, the larger the bag of kratom powder you order, the more money you save. Our kratom prices decrease per gram as the weight gets larger.
Again, we have a big selection of kratom powder strains to choose from, we usually keep over 20 different kratom strains in stock.
We have the following green kratom powder strains: Green Borneo, Green Indo, Green Sunda, Super Green, Green Kapuas Hulu, Green Malay, Green Jongkong, and even Green Elephant kratom powders.
We have the following white kratom powder strains: White Maeng Da, White Cambodian, White Indo, and White Jongkong kratom powders.
We have the following red kratom strains: Red Malay, Red Bali, Red Maeng Da, and even Red Bentuangie kratom powders.
We also have Yellow Borneo, Yellow Thai, and even the much sought after, Super Yellow kratom powders.
If there happens to be a kratom powder strain that you are searching for and we do not have in stock, please just let us know and we will work hard to get it for you!